In the story “The Lemon Orchard” by Alex la Guma,one of the characters is a black man whose name isn't mentioned in the prose. He is a prisoner taken by white people to exile. The black man walks with his hands tied and a gun on his back. He is discriminated and insulted but he does not say a word. He is wearing pijamas because, when the white men came for him, he was sleeping. The white people call him “Hotnot “ among other insults like “Bastard” and “kaffir”.
Before the white people took him to exile, he was a teacher in a school. He complained to his superiors because he didn't get his salary. As the White# people thought that he had no right to complain, he was defying the authority and thats why the white people took him as a prisoner.
To conclude,the black man passed through a difficult situation in which people are racist and unfair to him, they insult him and want to displace him just because he wants his salary to be given and that reason is “enough” to make a man leave his home by force in pajamas in the middle of the cold night.
If the black man was an animal, he would be a dog because dogs are mostly hit by people, when it´s cold their owners leave them outside and if they complain nobody cares. Also dogs must obey their masters always.
The quote that represents him is when he finally answers to the white man´s question “Yes, baas”. He gathers the few dignity he has left after not answering for a long time to the white men´s questions and insults.
In fact, nobody deserves to be treated the way the black man is treated and no one should.
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